Your home’s plumbing fixtures serve a variety of purposes; however, they do have a definite lifespan. Fortunately, replacing your plumbing fixtures can help increase the value of your home and help your household use less water. Changing out your home’s plumbing fixtures is no simple task, so you should know when the time to replace them has arrived. Here are some signs it’s probably time to replace your plumbing’s fixtures.


If your fixtures start leaking, it’s probably time to replace it. Leaky fixtures can result in higher-than-average water bills, and often, they waste countless gallons of water over time. If your fixtures are old, you may even notice they are leaking when turned off. A tiny leak can become a major problem if it’s not fixed. Leaks can even cause damage to the structure of your home. Water can even leak down to your foundation. Leaks can also cause damage to your floor, walls, and ceiling. Whether it’s your toilet or your faucet, you should replace any fixture that leaks constantly.

Mold and Mildew

Mold often forms near sinks, in basements, and in the corners of bathrooms. If you see mold, that means moisture is present, and although you may be tempted to scrub it away using household cleaning products, it will more than likely return. Black and brownish spots on the ceiling, wall, or near one of your sinks, tubs, or toilets can be proof of mold. Mold can quickly spread as long as there is adequate moisture.

You may need to call a plumber to fix the source of the moisture (usually a leak) to prevent further growth. A professional may also need to remove the mold for you. Mold can have a negative impact on the health of those in your household, so it should be removed as soon as possible. This is especially true for individuals who already suffer from respiratory problems.

Discolored Water

Have you noticed your water isn’t the same color it used to be? If the water coming from your pipes is not clear, you may have a problem on your hands. If you notice yellow, red, or orange in your water, it means rust may be present in your water system. Rust accumulation in pipes can cause particles to make their way into your water supply. The accumulation can also lead to pipe damage. Green or blue water may indicate copper or brass has found its way into your water from the pipes or your fixtures.

Old Age

Do you know how old your plumbing’s fixtures are? If your plumbing’s fixtures are on the older side, it’s probably time to replace them. Some fixtures, such as faucets, can last up to 20 years while acrylic sinks can last up to 50 years. If you notice any visible signs of damage or wear and tear on your fixtures, they are probably too old. Replacing older fixtures can have many benefits. Newer plumbing fixtures, such as low-flow shower heads, low-flush toilets, and water-efficient faucets can help you lower your utility bills and save water at the same time.

Low Water Pressure

Over time, wear and tear on plumbing fixtures can result in low water pressure. If you notice your water pressure isn’t normal, you may need to replace your fixtures. Outdated fixtures are often the cause of low water pressure. Low water pressure can be immensely inconvenient, especially if you need to fill your bathtub or flush your toilet. A trained plumber can tell you if your plumbing’s fixtures are the cause of its low water pressure. They can also help you choose new fixtures if they are.

When to Replace Common Fixtures

For most people, the time to replace a plumbing fixture is when the fixture no longer works. While repairing plumbing fixtures might work at first, frequent problems mean it’s time to replace them entirely. Also, instead of waiting for your toilet or shower faucet to malfunction, it can help to know when your fixtures need to be replaced ahead of time rather than sinking money and hassle into constant repairs.


Toilets can last a very long time, but during their lifespan, they can develop problems that prevent them from functioning properly. Flappers and other internal features will need to be replaced every few years. If you find yourself dealing with frequent clogs, you may also need to find a replacement toilet. Unfortunately, if your toilet bowl or tank is cracked, it’s definitely time to upgrade. The good part about upgrading to a new toilet is water efficiency. Older toilets can require as much as 13.2 litres of water to flush while modern, low-flow toilets often use only 6 litres. This can help you lower your water bill while helping the environment through the conservation of water.


Bathtubs have a relatively long lifespan, and it’s not uncommon for them to last decades. However, like any other plumbing fixture, there comes a time when you’ll need to replace it. Cracks can develop in bathtubs over time, and they can even cause water to escape when the tub is filled. If you notice water pooling outside your bathtub after a shower or bath, your tub may be cracked. Stains can also signal it’s time to replace your bathtub. Most bathtubs are white, but most stains can be removed with regular cleaning products. If you notice your tub has stains that simply won’t come out, no matter how hard you scrub or what you use, your tub is probably nearing the end of its lifespan.


Your shower is probably one of the most commonly used plumbing fixtures in your home. Unfortunately, showers don’t last forever, and there will come a time when you need to replace yours. As with most fixtures, signs of mold and mildew can signal a need for a replacement. Low water pressure in your shower can be inconvenient, but it can also mean your shower can’t do its job like it once did. Cold spurts can be a sign that your shower’s valves are no longer functioning properly. It is also important to remember a shower consists of multiple parts, some of which will need to be replaced earlier than others.


If you’ve had to make numerous repairs to your kitchen or bathroom faucet, it may be time for a replacement. If you have made multiple repairs and your faucet still causes problems, replacing the fixture completely will probably be more cost-effective. Often, internal faucet parts can suffer from corrosion or damaged threads, which makes them less efficient and functional. The cost of installing a new faucet will depend on how difficult the job is and the type of faucet you choose. Fortunately, if you’ve wanted to change the ambiance or upgrade your faucet’s style, you will have more than enough options. The right faucet can alter the appearance of your plumbing and increase its value.

We Can Help You Replace Your Plumbing’s Fixtures

Here at Twin Peaks Plumbing, Heating & Gas, we offer many plumbing services as well as air conditioning, heating, and air quality service for the Nanaimo area. We strive to provide professional and prompt services, and we won’t stop working until you are satisfied. If you are ready to replace your plumbing’s fixtures, we are here to help. Contact Twin Peaks Plumbing, Heating & Gas today to schedule your service.

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